File a Complaint, we are here to assist.
The Office of the Supervisor of Insurance & Private Pension receives, and processes complaints filed against licensees under the Insurance Act and Registrants and Licensees under the Private Pensions Act.
When submitting a formal complaint to OSIPP, the following items are required:
- Completed Consumer Complaint Form (found at the bottom of this webpage).
- Copy of any supporting documentation that may be relevant to your case including any communication between you and the person/entity on which the complaint is based.
The completed Complaint Form along with all supporting documentations can be dropped off at the Office of the Supervisor of Insurance & Private Pension at #2 Toucan Avenue, Belmopan or sent by email to
Once the Compliant Form is received, OSIPP will review and if required, request additional information from either party. When the investigation is completed, the Complainant will be informed of the findings by formal letter.
Consumer Complaint Forms
Click here to download form for any issues in relation to Insurance.
Private Pension
Click here to download form for any issues in relation to Private Pension Schemes.